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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023Liked by Denise Donaldson

"So, now we are to have a grand show trial, in the Stalinist mode, of presidential candidate (and werewolf) Donald Trump on charges actually concocted off-site in the Lawfare laboratory of Commissar for Werewolf Activities Andrew Weissmann and sidekick, Brookings Institute fellow Norm Eisen, late counsel to the House Committee that impeached the werewolf with disappointing results over a telephone call to Ukraine in 2019. And, yes, that would be the same Andrew Weissmann who previously (but surreptitiously) led the team of intrepid Lawfare werewolf exorcists fronted by dementia victim Robert Mueller. Mr. Weissmann’s previous two-year-long werewolf hunt was a bust, too, of course. The werewolf slipped off into the moonstruck night to gnaw on Democrat loins again!

This time Mr. Weissmann’s front-man is federal attorney Jack Smith, new to the werewolf hunting scene, packing a seven-shot indictment of silver bullets, aiming to show America how it’s done. And just in case he misses those shots, he’s got another gun strapped to his ankle chambering silver bullets engraved with “Jan 6” on the slugs. If you think our world has gotten interesting, better buckle into your Big Boy lounger because this werewolf movie is going places like none before.

You may have noticed the timing of this new werewolf hunt has a near-magical synchronicity with oddly identical circumstances shimmering around the current occupant of the White House — another case of misplaced official papers. Unlike the Donald Trump werewolf hunt, the “Joe Biden” classified-docs-in-a-garage case is moving at the speed of an Amtrak train with a broken Johnson rod stuck on a sidetrack outside Joppatowne, Maryland, in a snowstorm on Christmas Eve. But those purloined classified papers may be the least of “Joe Biden’s” concerns. Why, just the other day a single “whistleblower” document turned up in the House Oversight Committee’s SCIF — a special room for the performance of secret rituals — suggesting that “JB” was on the receiving end of $5 million gratis from some generous soul connected to a Ukrainian natgas company. That payday, for services left murky, when “JB” happened to be Barack Obama’s vice-president, came around the same period as yet other multi-million-dollar gift parcels from China, Russia, and Romania flew into a long list of companies operated by “JB’s” son Hunter, with no known business other than receiving large sums of money and then writing checks to various Biden family members. “Well Sonofabitch…!” as the president himself once said apropos of legal doings in Ukraine.

You understand, the US Department of Justice — the outfit that employs werewolf hunter Jack Smith — got a hold of that “Joe Biden” Ukraine “whistleblower” receipt a good three years ago, and somehow AG Merrick Garland has been unable to take any action on it since then. It’s been mouldering in some remote FBI file, out of sight and mind until Rep. James Comer (R-KY) subpoenaed it. Apparently, not even the most preliminary inquiry. Nothing to see there. May have been a shortage of federal attorneys not already assigned to the odious Jan 6 “insurrection” incident that so scarily endangered our democracy." - James H Kunstler. June 9, 2023


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Again, we'll have to agree to disagree, Dennis. Regardless what Biden may or may not have done (and I personally think he's not guilty of anything criminal; ethical is another story), my post is not about Biden. It's about Biden's predecessor, who is indisputably a criminal of vast proportions. So many charges by so many entities at so many levels in so many places, not to mention the uncountable civil suits in the last 40 years....if it walks like a duck....

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Pretty ironic that Trump is basically being charged with being unpatriotic in a time of war (the essence of the 1917 Espionage Act). I thought his slogan was Make America Great Again. I guess that's unpatriotic, according to the Biden administration. All those with MAGA hats had better hide them.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023Liked by Denise Donaldson

Come on Denise, the majority of the country does not hope TFG ends up wearing an XXXL jumpsuit.

That honor surely belongs to your man Comatose Joe.

Its a tossup whether his age, or the corrupt media being no longer able to hide the facts of his corruption with Ukrainian money going to him and his family, is going to be his death. When this comes out, as is inevitable, Trump will look like a church pastor in comparison.

"...the scores of unelected bureaucratic satraps guarding their nests throughout the Okefenokee inside-the-Beltway, especially the gator-pit known politely as the Intel Community — decided to subject Mr. Trump to a one-man version of the exquisite torment intended for Russia, Russia, Russia: pain, ignominy, and ruin. They’re still at it six years later, since the relentless Mr. Trump will not give up his crusade to take back the White House and defenestrate all those attempting to defenestrate him. His enemies have captured all the levers of legal power, and yet, amazingly, they can come up with nothing but the most rinky-dink charges to railroad him in captured jurisdictions" - James H. Kunstler

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Sorry, Dennis, but the latest nationwide poll says the majority want to see the orange one in the slam.

Biden won in 2020 by 7,000,000 votes. A re-match would be even more lopsided.


I'm no fan of Biden, but compared with TFG, he's a saint. TFG has been a grifter and a criminal since he was a young man. Just ask any New Yorker.

You're quoting stuff that only a very small but vocal minority in this country believes. Fox "News" may be the favorite of cable news viewers, but by far, most people don't watch cable news. Viewed from afar, the impression might be different, but seriously, most of the country is definitely NOT behind his orangeness.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023Liked by Denise Donaldson

In your haste Denise you are not letting me finish my posts. I can't type and edit as fast as you. This Engineer is a slow poke.

I'm still thinking you are mostly wrong on all that Denise. Sorry.

"You're quoting stuff that only a very small but vocal minority in this country believes" - as our esteemed fellow poster JG Moebus always says "you got a source for that?"

I'm not a dummy, and have no horse in this race, but reading all sites on the internet 12/7 - I'm more and more convinced the 2020 election was interfered with, and stolen, by the crooked Fed Deep State who were afraid of Trump usurping their power, and the DNC, FBI, CIA and DOJ with their capture of the levers of power.

From our fellow poster Roger Hoffman:

.....Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) ....is even worse in terms of leading the opposing others to also suspend critical thinking and lose any potential for nuance. If Trump said it, it HAD to be wrong. If someone opposed Trump, they were automatically sainted. If someone else holds a view that Trump may have articulated such as developing better relations with Russia, (or dropping out of Nato) then they are automatically maligned as 'Trumpists'." And of course, Trump has been proven to be right on more than just these two things.

The pendulum swings both ways Denise - and the crap and disinformation slung at Trump by the left-wing media will come back and bite the (D)'s ranting overzealous butts. If Trump is a criminal in Blue New York how come he has never been convicted. Your calling him a grifter and a criminal, and the majority want to see the orange one in the slam, is not going to do you any good. It's just hardening support for him. There are many more educated people than you think on the right who read the internet. Not all of them get their facts watching Fox as lefties who watch CNN think. And your posts are very offensive to them.

Bragg is a bought-and-paid-for baffoon , and npr has long lost any credibility with the American people. And contractors being stiffed happens on all jobs. Been there.

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I'm not trying to change your mind, Dennis. I'm defending my post. And I didn't agree with Roger's comment on the other thread, but didn't figure it was worth getting into.

But here's one source: https://www.npr.org/2023/03/27/1166173049/donald-trump-investigations-republican-voters-2024-presidential-election

And to just one other point, he actually has been found guilty in New York, in Carroll's civil suit. He also lost the fraud suit re Trump University. He's lost suits against contractors he stiffed. And Alvin Bragg and Letitia James aren't through yet.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023Liked by Denise Donaldson

Denise, for goodness sake, anyone can see that writer E. Jean Carroll, the first woman contributing editor of Playboy, twice divorced, suing then-President Donald Trump in 2019 for defamation after alleging he raped her in a department store dressing room in the 1990s, 25-years ago(!), was a staged jack up. She stated that the alleged incident lasted less than three minutes! Hardly time to take you pants off I would think! Why did she wait 25-years?

I think she was coached to come up with her invented cockamamie story about trying on lingerie. She said the two reputedly were in the lingerie section and joked about the others trying some on. Carroll said they ended up (!) in a dressing room together. The door of which was shut. Yeah right!

It's just her word against his, and it's a sad fact in the US that all men have an iceberg's chance of hell in this situation. If she says so - it must be true. Guilty until proven innocent.

On April 13, 2023, Carroll disclosed that part of her legal expenses were funded by Reid Hoffman, a co-founder of LinkedIn, venture capitalist, and donor to the Democratic Party. Who would have believed it eh?

Following the verdict, during a "Town Hall" on CNN, Trump repeated that Carroll's narrative was a 'fake,’ ‘made up story’ invented by a ‘whack job.’ He filed an appeal with the Second Circuit Court of Appeals on May 11. On May 23, seeking $10 million in additional damages, Carroll asked the court to expand the 2019 defamation lawsuit to include Trump's post-verdict remarks on CNN and Truth Social.

Carroll was one of 13-women who accused CBS Corporation executive Les Moonves of sexual assault in 2019. She says the incident occurred in the late 1990s in a hotel elevator after interviewing Moonves for a story; he denied the allegation. I don't know this verdict. But you can be sure if they had prevailed it would be in the NYTimes on the front page. I never heard about it.

There is plenty of money to made by lying when nobody can prove you are lying.

And you can find many internet postings glorifying the flakey Trump University trial Judge, and its ambulance chasing attorneys and biased Trump hating jurors - all by left wing sites out to crucify Trump. MotherJones, Huffpost, NYTimes, NPR, USA Today, The Guardian, The Daily Beast- characterized as a "high-end tabloid with self-aggrandizing, sleazy, click-chasing journalists".

The whole suspect case, "American Justice" (?), and gloating media smearing, was worse than anything the Trump University did. He did not have a chance. Another sick case of being deemed Guilty before trial. Many dishonest people's eyes lit up seeing Trumps deep pockets and thought they would make an easy buck by jumping on the band wagon. Sorry

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I don't doubt for one second that Ms. Carroll told the truth. TFG's misogyny has been on full display for decades, and the "grab 'em by the p***y" comment is merely symptomatic. And she had disclosed to two friends when the assault happened, but being a New Yorker and seeing TFG's power, she was afraid.

I say again, maintaining that all the dozens of accusations against TFG are false and ginned up flies in the face of all logic. No other man with "deep pockets" has ever been thusly accused.

As for Moonves,


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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

"grab 'em by the p***y" was locker room talk between two stupid guys. All men act like this. It's the way mother Nature made us! I've said worse being jocular to win points with stupid locker-room buddies! Like flicking each other with wet towels!

Boxing star Floyd Mayweather Jr defended Trump's infamous pre-election "grab them by the p***y" remarks, saying that is how real men speak.

He said Mr Trump's remarks, made in 2005 and leaked during the 2016 US presidential election campaign, 11-year later(!), were simply "locker room talk". "People don't like the truth. He speaks like real men speak," Mayweather told Hollywood Unlocked.

"Real men speak like 'Man, she had a fat ass. You see her ass? I had to squeeze her ass. I had to grab that fat ass.' Right? So he was talking locker room talk."

"And she had disclosed to two friends when the assault happened, but being a New Yorker and seeing TFG's power, she was afraid." Yeah right - a Playboy editor was afraid! Are you kidding me!

BTW, Sen. Bernie Sanders wrongly said President Donald Trump has never apologized for his comment: “The point is that we have the absurdity now of a president of the United States who basically says on a tape that everybody in this country has seen, his pride in a sense in assaulting women, and he has not apologized for that, and he has, you know, not offered his resignation,” Sanders said. “So I think that’s the absurdity.”

IN fact, Trump did apologize at the time for his comments in a press release, a video statement and during a presidential debate.

Trump, Oct. 8, 2016: I’ve never said I’m a perfect person, nor pretended to be someone that I’m not. I’ve said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them. Anyone who knows me, know these words don’t reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize. … I’ve said some foolish things, but there is a big difference between the words and actions of other people. Bill Clinton has actually abused women and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims. We will discuss this more in the coming days. See you at the debate on Sunday.”

So Bernie was overly hyperbolic, and out of line. Stoking an insignificant thing for political gain. And did America a huge disservice.

This small talk - the most over hyped quote in the history of the world! What Democratic Party operative taped this and reported it 11-years later I wonder. And how much he was paid for it? And it sold a ton of newspapers and got lots of clicks. Everybody was in for the deal! Except poor old Trump.

BTW, in Trumps cabinet women leaders included the Secretaries of Education, Transportation, and Homeland Security, as well as the first woman to head the Central Intelligence Agency. The Office of the President alone had over 100 women in politically appointed roles, many as Chief, Secretary, Director, Deputy Director, and Counselor to the President. Women also lead commissions such as Eilen Lappin Weiser, Chairman of the Commission on Presidential Scholars; Samantha Ravich, Vice Chair of the President's Intelligence Advisory Board; Michelle Park Steele, Co-Chair of the President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders; and Liz Sara, Chairperson of the National Women's Business Council.

Trump appointed 44 female judges to various courts; on par with the number of female judges nominated by Barack Obama.

Heather Wilson served as his Secretary of the Air Force for the 2 years, and the President nominated Barbara Barrett as her successor. At the Department of Defense, half a dozen women had Senate-confirmed roles for Acquisition, Research and Engineering, Finance, Readiness and Force Management, and Intelligence.

Trump appointed women to head a number of banks and financial institutions including Serbian-born Jelena McWilliams, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; Kimberly Reed, President of the Export–Import Bank of the United States; Judy Lynn Shelton, United States Director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. And I could go on.


So much for this lie that Trump is a woman hating misogynist. Perfect example how a biased media can distort the truth for their own political agenda. Like Judith Miller of the NYTimes did about the Iraq war.

"Leslie Moonves, former chief executive officer of CBS, and CBS reached a $30.5 million settlement with the office of the attorney general of New York, Letitia James, on Wednesday."

As I said, there is plenty of money to be made by women lying about sexual encounters, when it's impossible to prove they are lying.

And what a shock Letita James name comes up again! Alvin Braggs good friend. These people are all rotten to the core political operatives Denise.

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Denise Donaldson

Trump is a lawless person, which is one reason why he shouldn't be president.

But I'm mystified by the boxes of documents. Trump's not a reader! They could barely get him to read a one-page summary of intelligence while he was president. (I heard he'd read more if his name was mentioned; photos helped too.)

Trump is such a careless nitwit. As my friend in private equity put it, with his casinos Trump literally lost when the odds were stacked in his favor!

All in all, I don't think this case alone is enough to derail Trump's reelection campaign, because as Trump himself put it, he could murder someone in cold blood in NYC and the MAGA crowd would still follow him.

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I agree about the failure to derail his campaign. His MAGA followers might, MIGHT, only desert him if video footage appeared showing him naked, in bed with Putin. That is, if there were no women in the picture.

As for motives with the documents, I think he's provided clues himself, by bragging to people about the documents he'd made off with. "You won't believe what I have! Boxes and boxes of them!" Then there's the possibility of monetization. After all, among the accumulation were files that some entities would pay a king's ransom to see. Or pay $2 billion to support a Jared project. THAT eventuality, a piece-by-piece sell-off, is what had the DoJ truly spooked, I think.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Trump Derangement Syndrome Bill. I'm sorry.

Even if Donald Trump is a "lawless" person as you claim, he's joining a large club of US lawless Presidents.


Americans were relatively split as to whether these holding documents changed their views on Trump. Just 13% said they felt more positive about Trump after hearing about these allegations, 34% said they felt more negative about him, and 43% said their view stayed the same. Among Republicans, 43% said their view didn't change of Trump, 22% said the allegations made them feel more negative about Trump, while 27% said it made them feel more positively about him.


"Springing the werewolf trap on Mr. Trump in the Miami federal district court is sure to intoxicate the, let’s say, thirty percent of the public gripped by lycanthropic hallucinations. You can hear cheers ring out in Santa Monica and the Hamptons today as the “blue” demographic prepares to watch the glorious ordeal of Donald Trump’s legal vivisection. They are forgetting one thing, though: werewolves have powers unknown to mere men who hunt them. Trapping a werewolf is one thing, but holding onto him is another. There are seventeen full moons between now and the next election. A lot can happen, especially among the, let’s say, seventy percent of the public, who disapprove of all this werewolf craziness. The hunters might even find themselves flipped, horrifyingly, into the hunted". -James H. Kunstler

CNN Mon January 16, 2023: New details continue to emerge over classified documents President Joe Biden took to his private office and home in Delaware after he had left the vice presidency. The White House has said batches of documents have been found on four separate occasions: Nov. 2, Dec. 20, Jan. 12 and Jan. 14.

A special counsel has been appointed to investigate how the documents have been handled and Biden’s team is cooperating and has denied any wrongdoing. The investigation is ongoing.


BTW, Four casinos -- Revel AC, Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, the Atlantic Club Casino Hotel and Showboat Atlantic City -- closed their doors, costing 8,000 workers their jobs.

Timothy W. Walsh, partner at McDermott Will & Emery, noted that a "big issue you have is the easing of casino restrictions in neighboring states," including Pennsylvania, Connecticut and New York. "That takes away a lot of the draw to Atlantic City," he said.

"But the proliferation of gambling is only part of the problem. Atlantic City itself contributed to the downturn. The town is too remote and automobile-centric. A contentious labor dispute is simmering. And while a seaside location is nice enough in the summer, New Jersey's weather isn't exactly a year-round draw."

The Trump casinos are also operating under an allegedly burdensome collective-bargaining agreement. Walsh warned that oppressive contracts could sink future casinos trying to open up shop in the resort city -- or those that are trying to bounce back.

Icahn, the majority owner of Trump Entertainment Resorts, has been extremely vocal about his feelings on Unite Here Local 54 -- the union that represents thousands of casino workers in the city, including at the Trump Taj Mahal.

In a March 19 open letter, Icahn compared the union to mobsters of days past.

"Over the last five years, while the Taj Mahal has gone bankrupt not just once, but twice, your Unite Here health plan has made $140 million in net income," he wrote. "It all reminds me of that bygone era when organized crime would demand grocers pay for protection or suffer bricks being thrown through their store windows. The only real difference here is that instead of throwing bricks through the Taj Mahal's windows, your union instead organizes strikes, picketing, boycotts and other attacks to deter customers from patronizing the Taj Mahal."

Icahn maintained that the union is "attempting to hold a bankrupt business hostage by threatening labor unrest if they do not receive exorbitant payments into their own highly profitable healthcare scheme."


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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Denise Donaldson

Dennis, to criticize Trump isn't the same as TDS. If I criticize Biden, do I have BDS?

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Only you can answer that Bill. It depends on how you criticize Trump and Biden.

Have you ever said "Biden is a lawless person, which is one reason why he shouldn't be president."?

Which it more and more looks like he is! FBI officials have been ordered to walk over to the House Oversight Committee an internal FD-1023 document revealed by a whistleblower to contain allegations of a Biden family $5-million bribery scheme with foreign actors. The FBI is stonewalling. Do I have that right?

The FBI does not get to decide what documents it will hand over to Congress eh? Congress is the boss and gets what it asks for. The arrogance of the present Administration in its persistent stonewalling is truly breathtaking.

Can FBI or CIA officials cover up political crimes without being punished and convicted? If so how is that possible in a democracy?

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Denise Donaldson

Dennis, you're not making sense. I don't have to describe Biden in the exact same terms as Trump to show my objectivity/fairness.

Biden, unlike Trump, is a career politician who willingly sold out to the system for power. Like the system itself, he is corrupt. He is untrustworthy. Actually, he is trustworthy. Powerful corporate and financial interests know they can count on Joe to uphold his end of the bargain.

I wouldn't describe Biden as I describe Trump because they are two different people with faults of their own.

Do I think Biden should be president? No. Trump? No. Which is the greater "evil"? Actually, I don't think either man is "evil." They both seem rather transparent to me. Biden serves corporate interests and Trump serves his own interests, which luckily for him happen to align in most cases with the already rich and powerful. To me, neither is a true public servant.

Which is more dangerous? This is where TDS and BDS come in. To me, the question is moot since both, in my opinion, shouldn't be president.

I don't think Trump is uniquely evil and dangerous. Nor is Biden. They are what they are. Products of a fading and failing empire. Biden is the very image of a tired, doddering, aging empire and Trump is the image of a selfish, cynical, proudly ignorant, jaded country that thinks itself great, or THE GREATEST, even as it fails and fails again.

They are both manifestations of our American moment, and they both must go if America is to have any chance at restoring itself.

Yet too many people are simply saying "Trump bad!" or "Biden bad!" to make needed changes.

Don't waste your time defending Trump or Biden. We need alternatives to these tools and fools.

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Bill, I have decided this fine autumn morning here in the antipodes not to debate Americans on Trump anymore. It is not enjoyable for me which is why I am here. I'm going to stick to the anti-war themes on your and Denise's blogs.

And besides our esteemed author of this blog, my friend, has decided she has had "my last word on this thread".

Take care. No worries.

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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023

FBI Official Admits Doc Alleging Biden Took $5 Million In Bribes Exists To Hawley

At today's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) questioned Deputy FBI Director Paul Abbate about an FD-1023 form about the Biden family.

Great job Senator Hawley.

The president can take a $5-million dollar bribe from an enemy state and the FBI covers for him

Clean up the corrupt FBI. The future of the USA depends on it. These people are criminals.

If this was Trump instead of Biden, he would have been singing like a bird


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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023

Even the Aussies know this clown is a bigger criminal than Donald Trump will ever be.

You don't have to be very sharp to realize that Biden is a corrupt clown

When a foreign news source is more trustworthy than your own country's corrupt media.


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In remarks on the Senate Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) spoke about President Biden and Hunter Biden.

Grassley reveals alleged recordings of Biden with Foreign National who allegedly bribed him.


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Jun 14, 2023. House Republican leaders hold their weekly press briefing.

House GOP Leaders Accuse Biden of abuse of Power as Trump heads to Court

It's about time.

Let's hope the GOP grows some balls and puts a stop to this misuse of the judiciary to keep Donald Trump out of the political process.


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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023

Tulsi Gabbard. June13, 2023:

Trumps indictment undermines democracy because if a law is going to be enforced, it should be enforced equally and fairly across the board. The selective use of government institutions and law enforcement to go after political or personal opponents undermines the very essence of the rule of law, which is the foundation for our democracy.

The blindfold of the US justice system has been removed.


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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023

Mark Levin discusses a federal grand jury voting to indict former President Donald Trump over his alleged mishandling of classified documents.

This is an insurrection! Forget Jan 6.

Its not only FOX viewers who think like this Denise.

Is this what the real majority of Americans thinks?


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Gentlemen, you're WAY deep into the right-wing rabbit hole. It seems that my blog has been co-opted for an orange love fest. Please! Get a room!

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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023

You reap what you sow my dear.

It wasn't Alex and I who called a President of the United States "an uncommon criminal: his criming is so blatant, so arrogant, so vast, so despicable, so damaging to the country, that it is unprecedented in some sense. Although convicted Mafia bosses could be viewed the same way. As a person, he’s common, even lowly"

You started this divisiveness. And offensiveness to 80-million of your fellow citizens.

Arguably the majority of Americans hope Joe Biden ends up wearing an XXXL jumpsuit. And more and more will, as the extent of this corruption is exposed in the next few months. And certainly before the next Presidential election in 2024

If you can't stand the heat - get out of the kitchen Denise

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I spoke the truth. Dennis. I can't help it if you don’t believe that the majority of Americans agree with me. You're a couple dozen comments deep into vehemently disagreeing with me, so you’ve had plenty of scope to have your say. If I'd said the Earth is flat, then possibly I could expect an avalanche of nay-saying. But I only stated what the sane majority of people in this country are saying, among them a number of prominent conservatives, such as Bret Stephens.



You've bashed my post to your heart's content for days. I don't know if other readers would have liked to weigh in, but didn't, because they had no desire to receive the same treatment. I think we're done for now. Cheers!

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This about the 1917 Espionage Act used to charge Trump: https://www.thefp.com/p/trump-indictment-espionage-act

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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023


These are definitely extraordinary times we're living in.

AG Garland should never have allowed his special counsel, Jack Smith, to bring this prosecution in the first place. The indictment is 31-separate counts against the former president for violating the disaster of a statute you have linked to us above: the 1917 Espionage Act.

Since its inception, under President Woodrow Wilson, the Act has been used as a weapon against American dissidents. The application of it has been contested in court ever since. The prosecution of Trump will be yet another shameful obscene abuse of prosecutorial power from the Justice Department - like used against Deb's, Ellsburg, Snowden and Assange.

The prosecutors, DA’s, Judges, anyone else that’s involved in this political motivated persecution to keep Donald Trump out of the political process, need to be dealt with as soon as possible if the US wants to retain any semblance of being a "democracy".


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Trump is being charged under the 1917 Espionage Act. This about that law from Wikipedia:

"It was intended to prohibit interference with military operations or recruitment, to prevent insubordination in the military, and to prevent the support of United States enemies during wartime. In 1919, the Supreme Court of the United States unanimously ruled through Schenck v. United States that the act did not violate the freedom of speech of those convicted under its provisions. The constitutionality of the law, its relationship to free speech, and the meaning of its language have been contested in court ever since.

Among those charged with offenses under the Act are Austrian-American socialist congressman and newspaper editor Victor L. Berger, labor leader and five-time Socialist Party of America candidate, Eugene V. Debs, anarchists Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, former Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society president Joseph Franklin Rutherford, communists Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, Cablegate whistleblower Chelsea Manning, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, Defense Intelligence Agency employee Henry Kyle Frese, and National Security Agency (NSA) contractor whistleblower Edward Snowden, and former President Donald Trump."

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Jun 13, 2023·edited Jun 13, 2023

Former House speaker Newt Gingrich reacts to claims a Burisma executive intended to pay President Biden and Hunter Biden and the indictment against former President Donald Trump. Yeah, I know it's on Fox!

Why would Burisma give $3.5-million to Hunter Biden, a guy who clearly didn't know anything?

Why did the University of Delaware get an undisclosed amount of money from communist China while taking care of the Bidens. Didn't Biden go to the University of Delaware, and wasn't he a Senator for Delaware?

FACT: The FBI leadership insisted that the IRS disband the Team looking into the money for the Biden's. CLAIM: A vicious ruthless use of State power, worthy of Zimbabwe, to derail Trump


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Alex, you may have read this:

"It is getting hard to keep track of the charges lodged against Donald Trump since his indictment last week in Miami for allegedly retaining classified documents at his Mar-a–Lago estate after he left the White House in January 2021.

It is not at all hard to keep track of the destruction of the American judicial system — which is the real story here, the story in which we all figure and for which we will all pay the heaviest price.......

...... What we now witness is an open-and-shut case of liberal authoritarians’ misuse of the judiciary to keep Donald Trump out of the political process because they are correctly uncertain they can defeat him by way of it.

I am all but convinced that the Biden Justice Department does not give much of a damn whether or not the cases against Trump end in convictions.

If I am right, the objective is to keep him tied up in judicial rope until the election next year is fought and won. We are already hearing from the nitwittier of mainstream commentators, Rachel Maddow among them but not alone, that it would be fine were Justice to drop all charges providing Trump commits not to run next year."


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I'll bet I could write a 49 page indictment of Joe Biden that would make him look like Satan incarnate. I would too, if I was guaranteed the press would make a big fuss about it. But they wouldn't of course.

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Well put Alex. If Trump solved the homeless and got Americans single payer Universal healthcare, he would be savaged by the press and TV for doing so. No doubt in my mind.

Take care my good man.

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