May 24, 2023Liked by Denise Donaldson

Lots to ponder, Denise.

With respect to religion, the U.S. was founded by religiously diverse groups, from Quakers to Puritans to Catholics to deists to (mostly quiet) atheists. The Founders didn't want a "Church of America" because they'd experienced discrimination by the Church of England. It's rather incredible the selective memory of certain people about our history. The whole "under God" idea came later and partly in reaction to "godless" Communism.

Abortion: Well , as my wife says, it's fundamentally about the control of women's bodies by men. I've said this before, but if men got pregnant, there'd be a free abortion clinic on every corner.

And you already know what I think about violence, guns, and America's steroidal military. Sigh.

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Agree on all points, Bill. You're so right about the selective memory. Perhaps General Flynn and his fellow religionists are fans of Torquemada??? And yeah, most people don't realize the "under God" thing only happened in 1954. We couldn't bow to those heathens!

We've all seen the reams and reams of articles about abortion bans as the subjugation of women, but somehow, that essential truth keeps getting hidden under all the religious fervor and definitions of "life."

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May 24, 2023Liked by Denise Donaldson

Having been raised Catholic, I was taught life begins at conception. But what kind of life? Obviously it's not viable outside the mother's wombs for several months. And why does the Church get to define this?

Meanwhile, another huge story about molestation of minors by priests, this time in Illinois: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/hundreds-of-catholic-clergy-in-illinois-sexually-abused-thousands-of-children-ag-finds

The sexual abuse of thousands of children: how is that "pro-life"?

The Church should be ashamed of itself. Heads should roll, maybe literally.

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The biggest issue for me with religion is that psychopaths are destined to fill any power vacuum. Religion without psycho's domination is getting ever more rare.

Does that mean there is no God? For me there are many ways to tap into spiritual energy DIY. If the guy who baptized your kid is convicted of pedophilia does the kid still go to heaven? You betcha!

Talking to a guy who got manhandled by a nun in the 4th grade for asking a good question in class. They all heard me crash into the lockers, when she took me out of class. Then and there I knew when someone gets mad for a question you asked, you are probably right to question.

I question putting the earth above the easily avoided deaths of millions of people. Since when can we not protest war? Finally contributing to a political divide that is close to civil war is proof there is only one party, the war party. They are both corrupt beyond redemption.

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Agree on all points about religion, frankly, especially about psychos and questioning.

I'm an agnostic, at most, and find my spirituality in nature.

About the political parties, YEP! 100%!

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All my most confirming religious feelings have come without clergy or wanna be like clergy. We can ignore our differences and emphasize what we share. I try to avoid video, too many senses to get manipulated.

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YES, on the feelings without "benefit" of clergy! And I'd bet there are millions more like us.

I don't watch many videos, either. Just no interest.

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Yep, saw that story. Absolutely abominable. Lately, I've read suggestions that the pro-lifers should be characterized as, "pro-fetus," because they don't support children's lives after they're born.

And you're right---no church should be able to define life for anyone. Certainly not in legal terms.

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May 25, 2023Liked by Denise Donaldson


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Exactly. Sheesh!

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May 24, 2023Liked by Denise Donaldson

A pretty in depth look on a variety of examples of the new normals. Frightening and like the frog in ever increasing hot water.

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An excellent analogy, Georgina. Yes, very frightening.

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May 29, 2023·edited May 29, 2023Liked by Denise Donaldson

The idea that there is nothing we can do is on the list of things we are propagandized into believing. In this article by Caitlin Johnstone. It's funny but when you dismiss concerns about transgenderism to a 1st time grandpa and she's a she, at least for now. Coupled with the connection of this with big pharma and doctors. Doubts.


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I turn my back to. https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2023/05/28/most-propaganda-looks-nothing-like-this/

Caitlin is the rare gal that can swear better than a sailor.

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May 29, 2023·edited May 29, 2023Author

Can't argue with that last point! 😉

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I'll read Caitlin's article when I get a minute, but honestly, I stopped reading her posts because they're often too hysterical for my taste. Or too absolutist in tone---"if you don't see this, and think the way I do, you're clueless." Plus which, she's posted one or two things which are just plain bizarre.

But I do agree about the propaganda. There are things we COULD do, but will we?

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Actually not any flagrant profanity in this latest offering, like a lot of us, she is not perfect. She was in the zone with this one.

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I'll definitely check it out.

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May 25, 2023·edited May 25, 2023Liked by Denise Donaldson

That's telling it like it is, Denise!

The movie Hollywood IDOLIZED this year running away with most Oscars is Prescient in the Title, "EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE" increasingly happening all around us. The MASSES without question, leave it up to the highly paid Experts to deal with it and resolve it.

Who is Spiritually, Psychologically and Emotionally prepared and strengthened to walk through the maze, Confident in the Peace of Christ, no matter the Chaos unfolding in the World?

Watching TV News and reading so much more news and opinion online, I see them as reporting the unfolding details of the Spirit of this letter in the Revelation of Jesus Christ Today.

And THE NATIONS were angry, and your WRATH is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that you should give reward to your servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear your name, small and great; and should destroy them which destroy the earth.

Revelation 11:18

WE can see with our own eyes these Days, ANGER and WRATH is building up in the Nations, especially in the US, having more guns in private hands than any other Culture, Society, People & Nation on Earth. And what about this? "and should destroy them which destroy the earth."

If we accept the Genesis that ALL HUMANS ON EARTH are created to be in the image and likeness of God, Science is screaming that WE HUMANS by our choices or apathy are destroying the Environment that sustains us. Again, HUMANS made in the image of God choose to display and act out God's WRATH or Practice the FAITH in Word and Deed, and display the Love of God.

Therefore rejoice, you heavens, and you that dwell in them. ( the kingdom of Heaven is WITHIN you Christ taught)

Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great WRATH, because he knows that he has but a short time.

Revelation 12:12

The spirit of that letter from some 2000 years ago essentially describes the CRAZINESS spreading in the US and the World TODAY.

There is the WRATH of God and the WRATH of the devil active in this World, but who can discern WHICH WRATH IS WHICH?

Living the Love of Christ in this Material World saves us from the WRATH of God and the WRATH of the devil.

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Many good points here, Ray. The wrath and anger you mention seem to be taking over. And the failure to care for the planet and its creatures is truly frightening and heartbreaking.

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023Liked by Denise Donaldson

Wow! Your best "Ponderment" ever Denise! Congratulations on a fine piece of work!

Lot to unpack here! I'm looking forward to the comments from your other regular readers.

4.26am here in the Antipodes - I will reread later today - about the autocrats and polarized America

BTW, Being an Engineer and mathematician (and an atheist) I love your normal distribution curve!

Cheers my dear - no worries

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Thanks very much for the kind words, Dennis. I've been working on that post for the better part of a week, trying to pull together all the various thoughts. I think we've reached a Greta Thunberg moment: our house is on fire.

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Btw, that distribution curve was the only simple graphic for "normal" I could find. I hope other readers understand it---glad you did!

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